Custom Artefact Fuzz

Custom Low-Gain Artefact Fuzz

ar·te·fact /ˈärdəfakt/ something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure.

The concept of the Artefact Fuzz was to highlight the versatility of the Black Spiral circuit. From there it then uh, spiraled out of control.  The vintage transistors and Russian Ge diodes are from Ra-Elco, a legendary local electronics store that has since burned-down, and I rescued the knobs from an old Philco radio. 

I built this fuzz for the 2019 Winter NAMM show and it has some notable goodies from my personal stash, circuit tweaks, and other special touches:

  • NOS BC108B high-gain transistor
  • NOS 2N3440 low-gain transistor
  • NOS Russian Ge diodes
  • Nanolog N2 Quantum Junction
  • Verdigris oxide top
  • Matching Green LED
  • Vintage Chicken-Head Knobs and Dakaware bias pointer
  • Contrasting Brass Screws
  • Cherry Hardwood Box with Custom Engraved Spiral Lid
  • Leather Liner

While I will be making more customs in the future, each will have their own tweaks and each will get their own unique name.  Therefore, there will only ever be one Artefact Fuzz.